Welcome to Remote Control Paper Models

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Spirit is available again

For the thousands of people interested in the Spirit Remote control paper airplane and trying to contact me...

I am Sorry about the site being down. Long story short ... Lost my job, few people bought the plane, Couldn't pay the bills, Lost power, internet, hosting provider, ECT..

I scraped up enough cash to try this again.

This time I will sell it at $1.00 that's it just a buck.


Sunday, November 28, 2010

I Have video !!!

YouTube Link
This is the best of the vids made today. I had 5-10 MPH wind with turbulence.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Lame Excuse:

I would have had a video made Nov 19,2010 if I hadn't made a grave pilot error practicing a knife edge spin. I know the plane comes out inverted but my brain said pull up, so I did resulting in a high speed face plant into pavement. I was able to fix it up well enough to play with it the rest of the day but it was way to fugly looking to use it in a promotional video.

Reduced price of the Spirit model

It is obvious to me that $10 is an unrealistic price to be asking for something you have to build and supply additional components for. I have therefore reduced the price to what I originally thought it should be $5.00

It really is a fun and easy plane to build and fly. Please visit the RC Paper Models Store.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Spirit assembly instructions are ready

The assembly instructions is a free download.  The PDF contains the list of materials and tools you will need to provide, a brief guide to paper model building, step by step written and picture assembly instructions. The instruction pictures are photos and pictures of the source 3d model. I am currently working on the store front where the kit can be bought for $10.
Spirit Assembly instructions

Monday, November 15, 2010

Introducing the "Spirit"

To the best of my knowledge the Spirit is the worlds first remote controlled  paper airplane. It took me the better part of a year to design this plane. The 3d model was designed using Google Sketchup v7. The Texturing was done using  Blacksmith 3d and the model kit was done with Pepakura.
The electronics used in the Spirit can come from a Parkzone  Sukhoi Su-26xp, Mustang P-51D or Trojan T-28 Ultra Micro series planes. The reason I designed the Spirit is so I have a use for the components from my crashed and utterly destroyed airplanes. The Spirit airframe is constructed entirely with plane Jane 20lb printer paper. The Weight of the Spirit is 32grams.

 The down loadable model kit and detailed assembly instructions will be available very soon. A flight video will be made as soon as I can find a camera operator capable of tracking moving objects or competent pilot and I will record the flight as I can track quickly moving objects search for "RCRCKY" in Youtube for all my videos.

In the meantime enjoy the still pictures of the Spirit.